Funding and Financial Assessment BudgetingWho decides on the budget? (check all that apply)* Board Executive Director Department head Collective conversations What was the organizations fiscal budget for last year?*Does the organization have debt? (outside of rent or building costs?)* Yes No If yes, how much?Does the organization have savings/emergency fund?* Yes No If yes, how much in dollar amount or months of operational costs?Do the employees receive benefits other than salary?* Yes No Does the organization carry insurance? Yes No Does the organization have a 3 - 5 year financial plan?* Yes No Board Fiscal ResponsibilityThe board does a yearly review of (check all that apply) Audits Insurance Contracts Does each board member sign a letter of intent each year?* Yes No Does the board have Directors and Officers insurance?* Yes No I don't know Are board members financial contributors?* Yes No Combined amount (in dollars) of board member financial giving last year?If yes, how many contribute annually?The board connects individuals to the organization that can financially contribute?* Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Funding/FundraisingDoes the organization have a funder Bill of Rights?* Yes No I don't know Does the organization have a funder database?* Yes No Third Choice If yes, what kind?In what ways do you fund your organization? (check all that apply)* Sale of goods Financial donations In - Kind donations (tangible goods/services) Yearly fundraising Events Corporate matching Volunteer hour matching Grants Foundations Honorariums/memorial gifts other The organizations funders consider their contributions valued? Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Are funding efforts leveraged in such a way that the return is bigger than the investment?* Yes No I don't know Is the timing of funding efforts maximized* Yes No I don't know Does the organization have a funding plan?* Yes No Does the organization have a funding pitch?* Yes No Types of donors our organization has (check all that apply) monthly givers one time givers Asset givers (stocks, bonds, estate) Do you have annual fundraiser(s)* Yes No If yes, what kind? (list all yearly fundraising efforts)How much money was generated last year from your fundraising efforts? (list dollar amount)Financial ReportingWhat accounting software does your organization use? (i.e. Quickbooks)*Our organization publishes an annual report* Yes No Is there a yearly review or audit of organizational financials?* Yes No If yes, when was your last review or audit?Do you keep electronic or written records of your financials?* Yes No Does the organization belong to any financial accountability standards? (check all that apply)* BBB (for profit or nonprofit) Charity navigator Council for Financial Accountability Other None Δ Contact 281-782-5818 Follow Us Linkedin