Board Assessment The questions asked in this assessment are for the purpose of obtaining the most accurate overview in order to provide targeted services that best fit your needs. Step 1 of 11 9% Contact InformationOrganizationName First Last Email Organization OverviewWhat stage is your nonprofit in? Start-up – common cause, charismatic leader, controlled chaos Adolescent – process & procedures, legalities, revenue & activities expand Mature – growth, well-run processes, sweet spot Stagnant – wear & tear, increased turn over, lack of excitement Defunct – stopped developing, bad reputation, going through motions Board StructureDoes the organization have a board in place? Yes No How often does the board meet? Monthly Quarterly Bi Yearly Yearly Other How often?How many board members are on the board?How many board members are allowed according to your bylaws?When was the last time the board did a bylaw review?Has there ever been a restructure of the bylaws? Yes No When was last bylaw restructure?What committees does the board have in place? Special committees Standing committees Does the organization have an Advisory Council? Yes No Do the Advisory Council members meet on a regular basis? Yes No How often?Do you have family members of the staff on the board? Yes No ExplainDo you have multiple family members on the board? Yes No ExplainDo board members have term limits based on number of years? Yes No How many years?Do board members have a limit on how many consecutive terms they can serve? Yes No How many terms?Does the board have staggered term limits? Yes No Explain PositionsWhat positions does the board have and who is in those positions? Please write in First and Last Names or NA if not applicable.Chair (President)Vice Chair (Vice President)SecretaryTreasurerNon Officer PositionsAre there any current board positions that need to be filled? Yes No ExplainDo board members have clear job descriptions? Yes No Does the Executive Director get a yearly evaluation and salary increase? Yes No Month & Year of last increase VotingHow do votes take place on the board? Simple majority - most agree Simple majority - 2/3 or 3/4 Consensus - all can live with decision Unanimous - all must agree FinancesDoes the board do a yearly review of audits? Yes No Does the board do a yearly review of insurance? Yes No Does the board do a yearly review of contracts? Yes No When was the month and year of the last financial review or audit?Does the board have Directors and Officers insurance Yes No Are Board members financial contributors? Yes No How many?Combined amount for last fiscal yearWhat is the organization's yearly budget for the last fiscal year?Does the Board have a travel reimbursement policy? Yes No Yearly PlanningDoes the Board do an annual retreat? Yes No Does the Board have a yearly calendar in place? Yes No EthicsDoes the board have a conflict of interest statement? Yes No Does the board have a disclosure policy? Yes No Does the board have an indemnification clause in the bylaws? Yes No Recruiting/TrainingDoes the board have social time together outside of meetings? Yes No DescribeDoes the board do "field trips" together? Yes No Is there time at each board meeting for leadership equipping/training? Yes No OrientationDoes the organization have a board orientation in place? Yes No How many have completed it?Does the board sign a yearly affirmation statement? Yes No Does the board do exit interviews? Yes No Explain Board ManualDoes the organization have a board manual for each board member? Yes No Are the past meeting minutes kept in a secure location? Yes No By whom?CaptchaCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Contact 281-782-5818 Follow Us Linkedin